Title : Resonant Neurosciences (An integrative approach to reconvert negative atmospheres in hotel chains in Canarias.
Name : Horacio de la Nuez Leon
University : University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Country : Spain
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INTRODUCTION: The hypothesis explored in this research aimed to validate whether the incorporation of neuroemotional tools, combined with positive emotions in the leadership styles of executives and middle managers in the hotel sector, yielded favorable outcomes in restoring conflict-ridden work environments. Furthermore, this hypothesis examined the potential enhancement of both internal leadership protocols and employee performance.
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this research was to obtain empirical evidence regarding the actual influence of emotions and neuroemotional tools on employees’ attitudes and feelings within the hotel sector. The study focused on analyzing the impact on leadership effectiveness, staff response, and the transformation of a prevailing conflict-driven atmosphere.
METHODOLOGY: This scientific study was conducted in a prestigious hotel chain in the Canary Islands, specifically in four 3- and 4-star establishments in Gran Canaria. Two groups were formed: an experimental group and a control group, comprising 50 middle managers and 300 frontline employees, respectively. This research introduced several groundbreaking innovations, including a direct focus on personnel rather than the company, the strategic use of music with different frequencies depending on the intervention phase, as well as dance, laughter therapy, kinesiology, quantum physics, and various fields of neuroscience as necessary adjuncts. The study was structured into three phases: Opening, Healing, and Closure.
During the Opening phase, high-BPM songs were used to overcome existing rivalries. In the Healing phase, medium-frequency tones helped alleviate tensions, and finally, in the Closure phase, lower frequencies accompanied mindfulness and emotional regulation activities to reinforce social cohesion. Each phase was meticulously designed with specific activities tailored to the intended objectives. Participants completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires measuring key variables such as work environment, emotional state, leadership perception, and organizational support, using a 5-point Likert scale.
RESULTS: The results demonstrated significant improvements in the experimental groups compared to the control groups. Notable enhancements included an increased perception of positive leadership, strengthening of organizational values, transformation of negative atmospheres into highly positive ones, a substantial reduction in interpersonal and interdepartmental tensions, and greater group cohesion. The innovative combination of the aforementioned tools was instrumental in achieving these outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: Beyond the expected results, this research led to the emergence of a new field within neuroscience: Resonant Neuroscience. This integrative approach unites multiple disciplines to generate positive resonances in work environments. This new definition was officially presented at the International Conference on Neuroscience and Neurology, held in Amsterdam in November 2024. As a result, new neurological leadership models are emerging, designed to address VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) contexts through interdisciplinary strategies that foster innovative leadership approaches in highly dynamic environments.
Horacio de la Nuez is a PhD(c) in the Doctorate Program in Tourism, Economics and Management from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-11, Spain. With expertise in Hotel Management and Neurolidership, Neuroemotions, he has contributed significantly to the aplication of Neuroemotions on Hotel Sector in the Canary Islands. His research interests include the emergence of a new field within neuroscience: Resonant Neuroscience. This integrative approach unites multiple disciplines to generate positive resonances in work environments. this research led to Add the latest HD photo of the presenting author.