Professor Yung-Kang Shen received his Ph.D. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1995. He has been a Professor at the School of Dental Technology at Taipei Medical University (TMU) since 2014. He has been a Chairman of the School of Dental Technology of TMU since 2018. He is also the Director of the Bio-Medical Nano/Micro Forming Lab of TMU, the Researcher of the Nano Tissue Engineering and Image Research Center of Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH), the Researcher of the Sleep Research Center of Taipei Medical University Hospital (TMUH), the Researcher of the Department of Otolaryngology of Taiwan Adventist Hospital (TAH). He is the Chairman of the Taiwan Oral Biomedical Engineering Association, Co-Organizing Directors for the Asia Pacific Society for Materials Research (APSMR), Co-Organizing Directors for the Asia Pacific Society for Biology and Medical Sciences (APSBMS), the Supervisor of SME Taipei Chapter and the Director of Taiwan Society for Abrasive Technology. He has been an Adjunct Professor of University Airlangga (Indonesia) since 2022. He has been an Adjunct Professor of University Hasanuddin (Indonesia) since 2020. He has been a Guest Professor at Zhejiang University of Technology (China) since 2017. He has been a Part-time Professor at Shandong University (China) since 2016. He has been a Visiting Professor at Changchun University of Science and Technology (China) since 2012. Professor Shen is a project review committee member of the National Science and Technology Council (Taiwan). His research includes digital dentistry, metamaterial, scaffold fabrication (PCL/graphene), 3D/4D/5D printing, biomedical nano/micro forming technology, medical bionics design and manufacturing, and animal models for medicine therapy. Now, he has published more than 140 journal papers and 120 conference papers. Professor Shen has served as the Plenary Speaker or keynote speaker at more than 30 international seminars. Professor Shen was awarded the Best Paper Award for the 3rd International Forum on Systems and Mechatronics in Singapore in 2010. He was also awarded the First Prize in Poster Presentation Award for the 2nd Research Week-International Symposium 2012 of COM on Dental Technology, Oral Health Care, and Biomedical Devices in Taipei in 2012. He was also awarded the Most Cited Article Award, 2012 to 2013 for “International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing” (SCI Journal). Professor Shen was awarded the World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022-side by side of lifetime scientific influence (Stanford University). Professor Shen currently serves as the Editorial Board for Polymers (SCI Journal), Biology, Engineering and Medicine; Journal of Precision Medicine and Public Health; Open Access Journal of Science and Technology; International Open Access Journal of Translational Medicine; International Journal of Manufacturing Engineering; Japanese Journal of Medical Science and International Journal of Translational Science & Research.