Dr. Marko Vinceković is a full professor working in higher education for 20 years. He was a mentor to one Ph.D. student and 20 undergraduate and graduate students. Most of his competencies are related to colloid chemistry and applied chemistry in agriculture. Since 2003 he has been researching biopolymer molecular structure/function relationship and Physico-chemical processes in complex systems with biopolymers (oppositely charged polysaccharides, proteins and surfactants). Current research interest is in the investigation of intermolecular interactions in new biopolymer-based microcapsule formulations for plant nutrition/protection and functional food preparation. He was involved in one TEMPUS project, as an investigator on several national projects funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, one COST and one postdoctoral project founded by UNAM (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico). Currently, he is a coordinator and partner of national projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation, also he is a partner on one scientific project with the Republic of Kazakhstan. As an author or co-author, he published about 60 scientific journal articles Web of Science Index Expanded – total citations: 979, h-indeks 15.