Dr. Marco Trifuoggi Currently Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Naples Federico II. Nearly two hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals, mostly as first or last author; 2 book chapters, many contract reports and meeting presentations. Established experience both in environmental research and, in the recent decade, studies focusing on the adverse effects of rare earth elements (REEs), on the present and prospect use of REEs in agronomy and zootechny, on the relationship between biological liquids and heavy metal pollution. or participant in EC- and a NATO-supported projects, including study design, project management, and writing reports. Experience in interacting with national and international scientists by interfacing the respective science expertise. Head of ACE Lab (Analytical Chemistry for the Environment Laboratory, ISO 9001 certified and ISO 17025 accredited) of Federico II University of Naples since 2001 Participant or proponent of some national and international research projects (PRIN, PON, FARO, H2020, etc.). Lecturer of 65 academic courses or modules since 1994. Lecturer in advanced training courses (Masters of I and II level and PhD) since 1994. Supervisor of more than 150 university theses (three-year, specialist and master’s); guiding teacher and supervisor of 10 doctoral theses. Scientific manager and coordinator of more than 150 industrial research contracts since 1994.